Standard Proposal by The Optimism Foundation

Protocol Upgrade #7: Fault Proofs

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This upgrade reduces trust assumptions for OP Mainnet users by enabling permissionless output proposals and a fault proof system, maintaining the guardian's override capability for security. Withdrawals will no longer rely on a privileged proposer, allowing the process to be completed without any privileged actions. Combined with Protocol Upgrade #8, we believe this satisfies the criteria to have OP Chains reach Stage 1 status.

Associated contracts are tagged in the optimism repo at commit 547ea72d9849e13ce169fd31df0f9197651b3f86 (tagged as release candidate op-contracts/v1.4.0-rc.4).

This proposal is eligible for Special Voting Cycle #23a:

If passed in the Token House, it will proceed to a veto period in the Citizens’ House.

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Hasn't voted